Sunday, November 29, 2009

My weekend journey to the cosmos!

It was another weekend and like every weekend i was wondering how to spice it up...

i get a call from my fellow psychonaut around 6pm - "hey man.. shall we DROP tonight"
which sounded like music to my ears.. it has almost been one month since we went on our last trip and the night was beautiful the moon and the stars were out with some pretty clouds giving the "ice cream effect".

i had to do a few stops before i finally made it to my friends place with my i pod, speakers, change of clothes and tons of marijuana to keep us company while we journey to the stars. this will be my 4th acid trip with my fellow psychonaut at his place.

We took one stamp each around 11pm, and prepared our dwelling place on the balcony of his apartment with candles, a bottle of arrack, tobacco, weed, few slices of pizza and water... i panicked as the speakers were not working and music is one of the most important aspects of my trip... stupid speakers failed me and i was stuck with no music! fuck it.. YES FM was playing a good house music mix till morning so we put that on and surprisingly it went well.

around midnight we started to feel the affects of the LSD. its tingly feeling and everything starts to look prettier.. and the straight outlines of objects start to wiggle a bit.. which is quite amusing! we had a friend over who left around midnight so both of us had to see her out.. one our way down the "S" shaped floor tiles were like snakes all over the place and both of us jumped up saying holy shit!! and continued to stare at the morphing floor tiles flowing and merging into one another.. ah just wonderful!

i think we reached LEVEL 3 with this stamp (ref -

the music was getting better and better and we broke into dance going nuts! just the 2 of us rocking it in the dim lit apartment and its just wonderful how you feel your body flow to the music blending into the rhythm and feeling so expressive with every busting move! we have a fantastic view of the buildings around and it seemed like the buildings were dancing too - just like a cartoon! all forms of reality have been twisted and animate.. after a few moments we started to gaze into the sky, moon and the stars which were twinkling and sparkling like a wonderful lights show! the universe was partying with us!

its amazing how you never run out of conversation.. we were laughing and talking about the mysteries of society and the relationships of our friends. its amazing how you understand human behaviors in this state. laughter mixed with nostalgia, heart felt emotions and love so strong you can actually grasp it with your hands! we sent love to all our loved ones and to St.Hofmann.

The morning broke and this was a different morning to the ones we usually experience - dark, cloudy, with a mystic blue that covered us. it was really a wonderful morning and we welcomed it with a shot of arrack and a joint!

As the affects were wearing off i used the final bits of energy remaining from it to do some morning exercises that helped me shoot up some blood to my brain! all in all this trip was very therapeutic for the both of us. and made us understand a lot of things that have been doubtful in our lives. i truly believe i become a better person with each trip i take - and in St.Hofmanns book "LSD my problem child" he too believes in this time and age, psychedelic experiences will heal the human race by making them realize their true potential as supreme cosmic creatures.

god bless LSD and everything that’s psychedelic

Friday, November 27, 2009

al(L) i want for chri(S)tmas are (D)rugs!

hahahaha... couldn’t resist saying that!

Its almost December and (I know its not only me) it feels like Christmas is actually around the corner. i remember many years where its only a few days to Christmas and still there was no apparent nostalgic, exciting feeling. Maybe because I have a lot of things to look forward to this Christmas.

Miss crazy diamond will be spending Christmas with me which is nothing short of wonderful! Miss crazy diamond is the love of my life and a veteran psychonaut. there is nothing like having a like minded lover who dares to venture into every little interesting scenario i can possibly imagine. (Cant wait to write a "sex on LSD" post in December!)

I have saved up a little money for Christmas - its not much but it will be suffice for me to have a blast! its sad what a big part money plays in having a good time in the heart of Colombo. Its not pretty but that’s the truth.. Think about it - it costs to do ANYTHING here. And its costs a lot too. so without being a tree hugging bitch i have learned to find these powerful pieces of paper that makes most of our lives go around in the city.

But i really do hope the acid gods will smile upon us and bless us with the hallucigenic host. not many people have much knowledge about LSD or any other psychedelic substance in Sri lanka - it has all been classed as DRUGS and that its bad for you and that it will make you a retard. oh wonderful wonderful perceptions!

but i do plan on taking a "journey" sometime soon.. hopefully with my fellow buddy psychonaut on a beautiful night filled with stars! (need to see that light show again!)

If any of you are scratching your heads wondering what the fuck im on about... its about time you educated yourself on the heavenly host of the universe.

St.Albert Hofmann was chosen by the universe to synthesize the molecule of infinite awareness.(which is also my display picture on the top right.. St.Hofmann holding the LSD 25 molecule structure and the infinite awareness of the universe manifested in a form of a beautiful vivid pheonix, pouring drops of infinite wisdom and truth to the molecular structure... painted by the great Alex Grey - oil on canvas.

St.Albert Hofmann (who died last year at 102 years old in 2008) - check out the link!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Levels of Psychedelic Experience

Levels of Psychedelic experience

The Erowid Psychoactive Vaults discuss Psychedelic Experience in an FAQ that partially overviews ideas expressed in Timothy Leary's book The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead. They classified five levels of psychedelic experience.

Level 1
This level produces a mild 'stoning' effect, with some visual enhancement (e.g. brighter colors) Some short term memory anomalies. Left and right brain communication changes causing music to sound 'wider'. Can be achieved with low to medium doses of cannabis.

Level 2
Bright colors, and visuals (ie. things start to move and breathe) some 2 dimensional patterns become apparent upon shutting eyes. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. Change of short term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Vast increase in abstract thought becomes apparent as the natural brain filter is bypassed. Can be achieved with higher doses of cannabis or low doses of psilocybin.

Level 3
Very obvious visuals, everything looking curved and/or warped patterns and kaleidoscopes seen on walls, faces etc. Some mild hallucinations such as rivers flowing in wood grained or 'mother of pearl' surfaces. Closed eye hallucinations become 3 dimensional. There is some confusing of the senses (ie. seeing sounds as colors etc.) Time distortions and `moments of eternity`. Movement at times becomes extremely difficult (too much effort required) Can be achieved with normal doses of psilocybin or [LSD].

Level 4
Strong hallucinations, that is, objects morphing into other objects. Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously) Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Out of body experiences and extra-sensory perception type phenomena. Blending of the senses.

Level 5
Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. One may feel like they are merging with space, other objects, or the universe, or feel oneness with the world. There are powerful, and sometimes brutal, psycho-physical reactions interpreted by some users as reliving their own birth. Feelings of reaching to the beginning or the end of space and time. The loss of reality becomes so extreme that it becomes ineffable. Dream or movie-like states, people have been reported seeing themselves in entirely different settings than their original setting. Many people experience religious phenomenon at this level. Often mentioned are an "all-powerful presence" or a "universal knowledge" which many equate to their idea of God or enlightenment. During experiences caused by substances such as DMT (which is an active ingredient in Ayahuasca), many people encounter conscious beings or entities that that seem to be alien or something stranger and manufacture visual patterns of objects that are self-aware themselves inside an incredibly strange and alien reality. These experiences cause people to experience an extra-dimensional reality of geometric patterns. Earlier levels are relatively easy to describe in terms of measurable changes in perception and thought patterns. "Ego loss", or complete dissolution of one's awareness of the existence of self, is an essential trait of level 5 experiences; the boundaries between "self" and encompassing reality cease to exist, and all that one is conscious of is the abstract manifestations of the hallucination. Thoughts are not processed or realized in words or an "inner voice", as in everyday life; in the midst of a level 5 hallucination, it is essentially impossible to distinguish conscious thought from the hallucination itself. This feeling has been described, with tryptamine-based hallucinogens like LSD or high doses of psilocybin, as a sense of "oneness" with the universe; with extremely powerful entheogens such as DMT or salvia divinorum, the resultant hallucination is difficult to describe, but has been likened by some to being "transformed into a Picasso painting". Many people claim to have spoken to intelligent entities during their trips, to have experienced alternate dimensions, or to have existed for thousands of years - often not as a human but as an abstract entity such as a shadow or paint - though the trip itself, in the case of salvia and DMT, lasted only five to ten minutes. This effect can be produced in high doses of LSD, salvia divinorum, and psilocybin.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Waking to "The Division Bell"

(blows smoke outttttttt............)

Good morning... its so cold! :) and by some twist of fate i found Pink Floyd's "The Division Bell" record... fuck... I love playing music for the moment. its sunday, its cold outside, i just had 2 bowls, and pink floyd is just taking me to another world.

Sending everyone a lot of love from my happy place...


Thursday, November 19, 2009

I wanted to write this after a bowl - but i got high...

Im on a quest to purify my body! its a little form of detoxification that i do from time to time.. just something i figured out myself.. it involves starving, eating vegetarian, pushing my physical limits, lots of water and smoking some good herb that i got yesterday. Besides it gives me a good reason to visit my local vegetable vendor that has the most amazing veggies in the world! and its so cheap!!! i truly believe us Sri lankans are blessed with the yummiest edibles that mother earth has to offer.

I realised that everyone around me knows that i smoke pot. I came clean with my parents last year as i cant be bothered hiding stuff in my mid twenties and it seems to be common news that im a faithful endorser of the oh so taboo Marijuana plant.

Go fucking lick a sack!

Its amazing when someone who is so overweight, that they cant climb a flight of stairs, comes and tells me how BAD it is to smoke Marijuana. WTF??? im thinking you are 20 kilos more than you should be, you drown yourself in booze on a regular basis, you are suffering from so many illnesses its better to DIE than to live in a sorry excuse of a vessel you call your body! ugh...

I have learned its much better to smile and walk away as the little fragment in their thick skulls which is called a brain actually realises that THIS POT HEAD IS more fit, looks better and eons healthier that they could dream of... and it eats them inside that a POT smoker is actually this way.

Come walk with me for one day and ill watch you crawl

This is something every pot smoker has to go through in a society that spends millions of rupees on framing this plant that makes you actually THINK.

You know you can THINK right? its not illegal yet...

But living in Colombo... it sure feels otherwise.

Im high on life! (by life i mean drugs!)

Hmmmm... this square feels a little claustrophobic but im sure ill have to get accustomed to this.... just like i plan to get accustomed to b(l)ogging.

Hello world of the b(l)og! i plan on writing about something that is near and dear to me, been with me since i was a teenager, taught me lessons i would have never ever learnt through my friends parents or anyone living for that matter, made me a better human being, made me understand love, and made me understand what i really want and made me wonder to the point that i feel that i know NOTHING.

oh yeah.. im talking about drugs!

im not going to be bothered with defining what drugs i do and dont do. i have my own moral stance on it and it seems to be working fine with me balancing my health, work, friends, moods, relationships and life in general.

i am just here to share with you some tales that you might not hear from your day to day conversations with peers, family, loved ones, fuck buddies.. etc (unless you are like ME :)

i got to thank fellow b(l)ogger and a shockingly promising psychonaut for suggesting that i should start my own b(l)og!

to do justice to this b(l)og i think my first proper tale should be after i smoke a nice big bowl. i tend to be more descriptive then :)